Containment SolutionsA Specialist Division of Butyl Products Ltd

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Reed Bed Linings: Minto Mineworks, Fife
Client: British Coal Employer: D.A.Kennedy Location: Cardenden, Fife Contract Size: Supply and install 11,000m² 0.75mm Landflex PE75LL Contract Type: Surface [...]
Reed Bed Liners: Clathymore, Perth
Client: A.J. Stephen Limited Employer: Martin Alan Location: Clathymore, Perth Contract Size: Supply and installation of 4,800m² 1.00mm Landflex PE100HD [...]
Effluent Run Off Reed Beds: Ayrshire, Scotland
Client: Digit Resource Management Engineer: Moir Environmental Location: Ayrshire, Scotland Contract Size: Supply & Install 1,500m² Landflex PE100LL impermeable membrane [...]