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Containment SolutionsA Specialist Division of Butyl Products Ltd

EPS Infill to Railway Bridge, Cardiff


Windsor Road EPS Project

Project: EPS Infill Contract. Supply EPS wrapped blocks for lightweight fill to replacement bridge.

Client: Kier International

Summary: The supply and installation of impermeable membrane to encapsulate expanded polystyrene lightweight fill.

• The installation of 6,500 EPS blocks to rail bridge abutments and embankments underneath a replacement bridge at Windsor Road, Cardiff.
• Supply and installation of Landflex 100ES impermeable liner system to cover the EPS blocks.
• Supply of plant movement of EPS blocks, membrane and Geotextile.

Challenges: The installation of 6,500 EPS blocks and Landflex Hydrocarbon resistant 100ES to support a replacement bridge spanning the main railway line from Cardiff to London. Our teams were presented with very limited access, working adjacent to a live railway line and the need to accomplish the work without compromising risk to themselves or the contractor. The installation was completed during winter months, with occasional severe weather conditions.

Butek Landline employed multiple teams, working on both sides of the railway, tailoring the EPS blocks and membrane around the bridge infrastructure, using fall arrest systems due to the work being carried out at heights of around 6 meters. Machine movements were restricted in the area.

Our Solution: Our Landflex 100ES material is a chemically resistant flexible membrane and the preferred choice for this project due to its superior chemical resistances, tensile strength and flexibility. Utilising prefabricated panels of Landflex 100ES membrane enabled work to progress quickly and efficiently, cutting and dressing the EPS blocks on site with hot wire cutters, the blocks were positioned using long reach tele-handlers.

Contract Period: The entire project (6,500 blocks @ 2400 x 1200 x 600mm high) was completed in just 5 weeks.

Results: Landflex 100ES is designed specifically for challenging environments, and provides an excellent protective cover for the EPS blocks, keeping them safe from the environment. Its flexibility allows for speedy installation using prefabricated panels and the wide welding window is ideal for twin wedge or hot air welding techniques.
The work was carried out during November / December and was completed on time and within budget despite the inclement weather and much to the delight of the main contractor.